Trees for Life

Created by Jennifer and Jimmy Fry 11 years ago

~ The wind whispers his name - the leaves wave in his honor ~

In loving memory of our Son, William, who loved walking the paths and trails in Scotland with his parents, Jennifer and Jimmy Fry.

William is helping to restore the Caledonian Forest in the Scottish Highlands!
We are proud sponsors of Trees for Life - Restoring the Caledonian Forest. Knowing how much William loved the outdoors, it has been a rewarding experience to plant a Memorial Grove in the Scottish Highlands in his memory. The team at Trees for Life have been wonderful to us. Their respect for William and each of the little trees in his Grove, gives us hope for the future. We cannot thank them enough for their warm and generous spirit ♥

"The native trees planted in William's Grove include a mix of species such as Scots pine and birch, along with aspen, rowan, willow and juniper reflecting the range of species that are found in the Caledonian Forest. They were all planted by Trees for Life volunteers and each personal dedication written on William's grove page was read out as his trees were planted.

The initial trees planted within William's Grove are just under 2 years old. Birch trees are growing the fastest, and are now helping to provide shelter and protection from the elements for the other trees which take longer to establish, such as Scots pine. Willow are also doing especially well and the aspen are showing new steady growth." - An update by Trees for Life, June 2015

We invite You to view William's Memorial Grove Page on the beautiful Trees for Life website. Simply click on this link -

William is also the proud sponsor of an acre. Just hover over J-11 to view -

As of Autumn 2024, over 2700 trees have been planted in memory of William in the United States; Heartwood Forest - Hertfordshire, England; Hamilton, Scotland and the Scottish Highlands. Not only is William helping to restore the Caledonian Forest (with 557 trees so far) - he is also helping to reforest America! Over 2200 trees through the Arbor Day Foundation, American Forests, Redwood Forest Foundation, Sequoia Forest Keeper and privately have been planted in William's memory in Illinois, Blackwater River State Forest - Florida, Tahoe National Forest - CaliforniaGeorge Washington National Forest - Virginia, Redwood Regional Park - California and in the American West. William has even adopted a Sequoia Tree in the Sequoia National Forest! New trees are being added to William's World Wide Grove all the time. This is William's contribution to perpetual environmental improvement.

Come take a walk down William's Path and wish him well on his journey 🌲

Thank you for visiting our Son's Memorial ~ we truly appreciate your support.

Jennifer and Jimmy Fry

♫ You are listening to - The Sound of the Forest by Nature Sounds

